Friday, September 14, 2007

Unresolved Filial Issues??

Bush claims to be listening to God. BinLaden claims to be listening to God. I don't think either is listening to anyone.
BTW, did you catch that BinLaden, in his latest videotape, exhorted his followers to smash capitalism? Pretty serious talk for someone who came from one of the wealthiest Saudi families of all time. And did BinLaden's dad inherit his billions?? Nope, he made it all in the construction business- the good old fashioned capitlist way...
So is Osama working out filial issues by spewing hate and training suicide bombers?? Is Bush trying to prove to his father that he can do what Bush Sr. couldn't do ( bring Saddam down)??
These thoughts beg the question; If either of these misguided fools had received treatment for their megalomania at some opportune point in time, would there be 3000 less dead US soldiers, countless less dead Iraqis, and would the towers still be standing??

1 comment:

Yiayia said...

But, of course!!