Sunday, May 16, 2004

Two Bucks a Gallon...

As I was filling my vehicle with gas this morning for the first time at over two dollars a gallon ($2.03), I had the kids rummaging through the glove compartment in search of a permanent marker. It was my intent to deface the gas pump but then I got a better idea which I plan to execute tomorrow. From my stock of Avery labels at the office I will print out several dozen labels that say, in probably a 72 point font, "Thank you President Bush" and stick one on every gas pump I get near- right over the price per gallon sign. Now, I know that the president doesn't control gas prices (although I'm not sure about Cheney...) but after all, the president has engendered such good will towards America from the Arab world that it has got to affect our OPEC friends as they decide what gets produced and what doesn't...

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