Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Why does anyone care about OJ or Britney Spears?

The war in Iraq drags on.
Genocide in Africa goes unnoticed.
The American people are committing "suicide by carbohydrate" and 60% of the population is considered overweight - 35% are children.
The President of the United States is, by contemporary definition, insane.
It goes on and on.
With all of this going on, how could any person possibly care about the troubles of Vanessa Hudgens, Britney Spears or OJ Simpson??
The patients are running the asylum...


Yiayia said...

The majority of people are shallow and often in denial. These two provide fodder for many positions...envy, identification, a wonderful feeling of, "Aha, money doesn't buy happiness, etc. I think the media does it to avoid reality, as well. Media capitalizes on that which brings readers. Their teasing headlines make people want to hear something new and most don't respond to the disappointment that it is the same old stuff, over and over.

Yiayia said...

Where are your posts?